Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The proudest gringa in Marketing (I'm the only one)

Okay, I was just going to go in chronological order with adventures and such, but it's January 20th, so I HAVE to talk about the inauguration :) It was absolutely amazing how many people were watching it at my universidad. There are plenty of people from the U.S. but many, many ecaudorians were watching as well. They showed CNN in an auditorium on a big projector, and also in our main hall on a big screen TV (as well as other places around campus). I wish I would have had my camera! It would have been a really good iReport to send to Anderson & Wolf.

Unfortunately, I had marketing class (one in which I am the only student from the U.S.) from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm. So, at the beginning of class I told the professor that I was leaving to go watch the inauguration :) I just stayed for the first 20 minutes of class! hehe. The professor for that class is great, and at the beginning of class we talked about how the change in power affects business, the economy, etc. So of course he asked me about it in front of the class! I said something about creating new jobs, and a change in foreign relations... there's a lot to talk about.

Anyways, I'm just so happy to be an American right now. Yay Obama!


liz. said...

Yeah. The inaguration was crazy! I cannot believe that people in Ecuador were so excited though! Wow. This does seem like a huge change for how the world sees us, and I think its cool how you can even see that difference already. What do people around you thing? Its interesting to see how our status is changing.

Dulcita Candace Sherwood said...

Hola Carolina-
I just set up a google account so I can talk to you. Love all the pictures. I will write and read more with Max and Mason. They are playing at a friend's house right now. They talk about you a lot when we remember about camp. Dulcita

Unknown said...

hey carolyn!!!

I know this is really be-lated but yeah inaguration was ridiculously cool! did you see that ridiculous hat aretha franklin was wearing!! my goodness!!! Miss you lots!!!
<3 Joanna

Ms. Kloecker said...

Liz- Yeah everyone here loves Obama too. My little host sister (6 yrs old) asked me if I voted for Obama or McCain! heh.

Dulcita - Wow, thanks so much! Tell the boys I miss them lots! I'll try to keep putting up some more things as often as possible :)

Joanna - THAT BOW WAS RIDICULOUS! I watched a Daily show clip online (but my computer takes forever to load things, so i didnt have much patience to watch a whole episode) about how michelle had some sort of bow and then Aretha had to outdo her or something. My favorite part of the inauguration though was the prayer by the old black guy after Obama's speech (and after the interesting but somewhat bad poem) where he was like "Brown can stick around" "Yellow can be mellow" and "The red man can get ahead man".